My job:
1. Teach 6 subjects
1. Math
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Spelling
5. Science
6. Social Studies
2. Teach character education
1. Bullying
2. Responsibility
3. Respect
4. Trustworthiness
5. Citizenship
6. Others as needed
3. Teach cursive
4. Create & type lesson plans for the above.
5. Make materials for the above.
1. Smartboard presentations
2. Activity sheets
3. Assessments
4. Activities
6. Prepare materials for the above.
1. Print
2. Make copies (20+ copies)
3. Laminate (20+ copies)
4. Cut (20+ copies)
5. Staple (20+ copies)
6. Glue (20+ copies)
7. Assess students over the above.
1. Administer assessments/assignments
2. Grade assessments/assignments
8. Create behavior plan to use in classroom.
9. Implement behavior plan.
1. Printing behavior reports
2. Classroom Economy
1. Money
2. Prizes
3. Fines/Tickets
10. Create materials for behavior plan.
1. Behavior chart cards
2. Create behavior report
11. Technology
1. Emails
1. Coworkers
2. Parents of students
2. Online textbooks
1. Manually enter each student and corresponding data
2. Print information for parents
3. Online programs (Accelerated Reader, etc.)
4. District related (The Learning Institute)
5. Class and School Website
1. designing the website
2. updating the website weekly:
1. objectives
2. assignments
3. important upcoming dates
4. current study guides and projects
6. Maintaining classroom materials (computers, smartboards, Neos, etc.)
7. Edline (posting grades in 6 subjects for 20+ students every week)
12. Communicate with parents about all of the above.
13. Professional Development
1. Attending PD
2. Planning and scheduling PD
14. Special education students
1. Modifications
1. Reducing assignments
2. Reading tests to student
3. etc.
2. Annual reviews/placements conferences during planning time
15. Below level students
1. Response to Intervention (RTI) & tutoring
1. Planning
2. Creating materials
3. Scheduling
4. Tutoring in groups or individually
5. Assessment
2. Academic Improvement Plan (AIP)
1. Create plan
2. Conference with parent
16. School committees
1. Meetings
2. Tasks to be carried out
3. Materials to be made and distributed
17. School related functions and activities
1. Fundraisers- assemblies & collecting money
2. School related assemblies (during instructional time)
18. Classroom design
1. Planning
2. Moving desks and other furniture quarterly
19. Administrative tasks
1. Attendance
2. After grading papers, record on paper, then put on Edline
3. Lunch Count (counted and sent to cafeteria each morning)
20. Permanent Records
1. Create new file for new students or K students
2. Update records yearly
3. Complete final update at the end of the school year (including writing portfolios, standardized
test scores, etc.)
21. Field Trips
1. Planning
2. Necessary paperwork for approval
3. Permission slips & information sent home
4. Write receipts as money is paid
5. Tally money daily by 10:00am
6. Turn in & witness counting of money
22. Standardized tests
1. Preparation
2. Provide information to students and parents
3. Adjustment of schedules
Thursday, November 1, 2012
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