Tuesday, July 31, 2012

bargain shopper: @ Wal-Mart

Who knew Wal-Mart would start carrying teaching supplies? I saw some stuff years ago at Wal-Mart but honestly haven't seen them since. But that might be because I haven't looked. I've been doing my grocery shopping at Kroger since I moved to NLR three years ago. I love Kroger. Or Krogs, as I call it. It's more value for the way you live! <---I like to throw their slogan into everyday conversation.

Anywho, Wal-Mart. While getting school supplies for myself, I saw some cute things! And each thing was only 88¢ so of course I had to buy it.

 I liked this Homework Schedule they had. They claim it's dry-erase. But I don't trust them. So I'm just going to laminate it. It's funny that I'm using it because I usually have to do EVERYTHING in my Hollywood theme. But never fear! I might still incorporate some Hollywood in this thing!

 These folders came in packages of three. I threw them in my "to be laminated" pile but realized that they are already pretty durable! They'll be for me at my desk anyway.

 I used to hang posters each day with the schedule. Then I started writing it on the board everyday. So now I'm back to the posters. I bought 5 of these---one for every day. I'll probably laminate them though they too claim to be dry-erase. I was thinking of writing assignments or objectives out next to them, but I don't know. I'll figure all that out when I get back to my classroom.

This magnetic board was actually 97¢ and not in the school supplies section. But I figured I could use it for my estimation station or something. It's pretty scratched up though. They had a dozen or so of them lying haphazardly on a shelf. I dug around and tried to find the least scratched. Also, I really struggled with this purchase because it won't go with my Hollywood Theme at all. Probably I should just get over it.

Anyway, it's 104° outside and I'm trying to spray paint some plastic bins in the garage. What terrible timing I have. So I'm going back out to finish!

Love you long time, blog!

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