Tuesday, July 31, 2012

bargain shopper: @ Dollar Tree

Yesterday I wanted to beat the heat and get out early and find some new classroom library tubs. I'll pause here to say it was the 3rd hottest day in Arkansas' history yesterday. I think it got to 111°F.

Anyway--classroom library tubs-- I went to Dollar Tree first since they tend to have the best little tubs. But I'm trying to find yellow so it makes my search difficult. Anyway, that has nothing to do with this blog. The point is that I ended up in the teacher's section at Dollar Tree and basically went berserk. Here are my awesome finds!

These are labeled as Word Wall Spinners, but I'm going to use them for my Working with Words part of Daily 5. I bought 4. I'll probably stick two in storage in case the other two get destroyed

 I found some foam cubes. Who couldn't use these? They have a TON of them. I'm going to use them in my Estimation Station for sure, but I know they'll be used in lots of other lessons/activities.

Dollar Tree had these magnificent handouts that I couldn't pass up. 24 in a package. I can use them in 4th grade for sure, but maybe I can use them this next year in third. I got two packs just in case ;o) They also had the skeletal system--another one for 4th grade but possibly for 3rd?

While grabbing the handouts, I noticed this activity:
 I'm going to use it the week of election. They only come in packs of 15 so I've got to go track down another package somewhere!

 Last year I handed out Diplomas for my kiddos on the last day of school. I also gave a mini speech for each kid, saying something nice about them. It was really a positive way to close out the school year. Last year I found certificates at Mardel. They were generic "Certificate of Completion" awards that I filled out to say they are done with 4th. But these I found at Dollar Tree are WAY better, include a string to tie them up like a scroll, and the wording is more appropriate! They've got stars all over them which is perfect for my classroom theme!

 I found some posters--some I've already got in my classroom but are all torn up, so I bought some new ones. This time I'll laminate them! I got 6 posters for $3--they came in a two pack.

 I challenge my class each year to pass 100 AR tests before the 100th day of school. This is a class combined effort. I found this cute banner that I can laminate and reuse for this year's challenge!

This thing depressed me. It's for the last month of school. A countdown wheel thing that spins. I got it because it's only $1 and I'll probably keep it behind my desk ;o)

 I thought this banner was cute so I bought it... It's a tool theme---it has character words with lovely things written beneath them. I'll hang this by my bucket fillers display. Something about "tools to use to fill buckets" or something of that nature.

 Once again I bought something for 4th grade---but when I find these things and they're only $1, I figure, what the heck? These are flash cards that you've got to cut apart. I'll separate them by region (Northeast, Southwest, etc.) and have the students match the state to the capital. It'll be useful when they take their Map Tests and need to study.

 I love cutouts. You never know when you'll need them though--IF ever. But I like to stock up. Plus there's 30 in a package so they'll last me forever!

 On the first day of school I take pics of the kids--they are dressed like celebrities--with feather boas, sunglasses, hats, etc. Every year I do something different with the pictures. This year I know at least one thing I'll do. I'll use these frames to make a display of their pictures in the room! Or I might attach a clothes pin to them and use them to hang student work.

 Please tell me you already know about Dollar Tree's super awesome stickers. They are pretty much the only ones I use. So I stocked up on them. This year they added stickers with messages like "please follow directions" and stuff (see pic above) and I thought that was rather clever since I end up writing those phrases a million times on papers.

I am so excited about these clocks! I saw an idea on another teacher's blog where she put big clock faces up in the room with important times like when school starts, dismisses, and lunch. I was going to do the same but print off some. But I found these!! I bought a bunch in every size in case I come up with something brilliant to use for the other sizes.

 They had these sentence strips--three colors in a package. I'm laminating them and using them on the board where I write their assignments everyday. I will probably also use them with the clocks.

My class is in charge of collecting recycling bins for the school. A task I gladly volunteered for. They wear lanyards with some "recycling star" tags on them for hall passes. Now that I found these awards, I can send them home with the kids who help me. ;o)

And lastly, homework passes. Please don't ask my opinion about homework because I will give a huge soapbox lecture about it. But lets just say I really like homework passes. I give them out a lot for rewards, gifts, etc. I got another package for my birthday treats this year (tip: sit down at the beginning of the school year and write them all out, then grab them throughout the year as you need them-I also give the summer birthday kids theirs immediately when school starts). I saw the fall/Thanksgiving themed passes and snatched them up. I usually try to send the kids home with a free book (that I get from Scholastic) over Thanksgiving break. I'll put a homework pass in there as a bookmark and let them spend it when they return. ;o)

So my trip was amazing. I also found some border, bookmarks, and other goodies that I didn't put on here. I was so excited! My husband didn't even blink an eye when I told him I spent $75 because he knew I got 70+ things!

Yay me!!!! Thanks Dollar Tree! (I just inadvertently rhymed there).

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